Sunday, November 16, 2014

Ofuda & Omamori Making

I sometimes get confused with ofuda and omamori, but ofudas are talismans to protect and benefit the whole family. While this is still something necessary when you become an avian, omamori is the amulet you need for your personal desires.

I will instruct how to create the talismans themselves and how to invoke the power. As for making the omamori case, Ynao's Otaku Blog shows how to.

Allow me to simply mention that it is by Shinto tradition to purchase the amulet and that you cannot make your own. I personally believe however that when you create it with your personal intentions, you empower it more.


  1. Paper, wood, or metal. You can choose any material that you feel a connection with. Note: The selected material will be burned in a year. Make sure it is nothing precious or important.
  2. A candle
  3. Incense (Best to use for wing growth: Frankincense, Sandalwood, Anise (star), Champa, Ginger, Lavender, Myrrh, Peppermint (highly recommend), Vanilla)
  4. Filbert paint brush or thick marker
  5. (Optional) Paint (any color, preferably black) or ink
  6. A quiet room


Note: This ritual is best done during the following times: New Year's Eve, tween times (midnight, dusk, dawn), or sabbats.
  1. In a quiet room where you will be undisturbed, crack open a window and door
  2. Light the incense then candle
  3. Bow twice to the setup candle and incense, then clap twice, finally bow once more
  4. Seat yourself before the candle and incense with your material and writing utensils
  5. Have a chosen deity or spirit. There can be more than one you call upon to grant power to the amulet. For mine, I am requesting the Goddess Inari, a personal kitsune messenger of hers, Nei, and an air spirit, Topanga.
  6. You can write whatever you feel necessary on the paper (symbol, prayer, anything that represents your intentions). It is best to write it out in Japanese. I found the following Kanji that could be used to write "wing growth": (grow, become) (feather, plume, wing). Visit Denshi Jisho to find more kanji. You must also write the name of your chosen deity/deities and/or spirit(s).
  7. Say a prayer, voicing your request to the deity or spirit
  8. Pass the talisman three times through the flame of the candle
  9. Then pass the talisman through the smoke of the incense three times
  10. While passing it through these two, imagine their energy entering in and a white light growing around it. Also envision what you wish to gain from the talisman.
  11. Chant any words which you feel grant power all while doing this
  12. Now place the talisman in front of you and meditate. Spend as much time as you need to call upon the power. Allow your own energy to flow freely into the talisman.
  13. Once done meditating, say a final prayer or mantra
  14. End with a powerful word
  15. Stand up and bow twice, clap twice, and bow once more
  16. Now if this is an omamori, put it in its case. If it is an ofuda, place it in a Kamidana, or any place of your choosing. You may carry the omamori around with you, hang it on a bag or anything really.
  17. Give daily thanks to the talisman

Good luck on your wing growth and blessed be ^^

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