Friday, January 30, 2015

Energy Renewal

If you often cast spells or perform rituals for different goals, do you ever feel a loss of the sensation of your wings' energy? I know I do. I'm not the best multitask-er, and at my level of magickal strength multitasking energy is surely a challenge.

I try to simply focus all my spiritual energy on my wings' growth; however, it is selfish of me to not send good energy to an ill loved one, or a loved one taking a major test. There are also the situations where I could use a spell to help myself.

Although I haven't found any solutions, I have found ways to cope and quickly replenish energy. This constant cycle may put a stunt on wing growth though. I'm not sure, more research and experimenting should help.

~ Tips:

  • Before performing a spell, take an object and place your energy and desire for wings into it. While doing the spell, have the object attached to you. I tend to use a flower or ivy crown I made before-hand, or a flower. I fill them with the energy and make it so that they energy is sent back to me slowly as the plant withers in my hair (or pocket)

  • Return to nature. After experiencing a drainage of energy, no matter how insignificant, go outside. Dance in the rain, watch the clouds, lie down among trees as wind buffets them, walk in the sunlight. Let nature replenish what you have lost. Personally I find windy days and lighting storms to be quite energizing for me.

  • Practice using your energy on two things at once.

  • Keep trying! Continue to cast spells for your wings, send energy to them, and never give up no matter how hopeless circumstances make you think.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Spells for Growing: Bluebird Wings

So much for weekly, *sigh*, it's a process. Anyhow, here is another bird:

If you have requests, please share. Also, possessing feathers of your chosen bird for the spell is unnecessary, but could strengthen the connection.


(Beatrice from "Over the Garden Wall". She was turned into a bluebird and this is a depiction of her as an avian human with bluebird wings. "Over the Garden Wall" was a beautiful and tragic miniseries which I must admit I fell in love with, and I don't often watch Cartoon Network shows. It heightened my faith in the unknown.)


Of youth and the naive,
Soaring through meadows with few trees,
Happiness be thine,
Bluebird wings of mine.


  • In the center of a drawing of the sun or on a candle, draw or carve a sigil that represents your desire for bluebird wings.
  • Cast a circle at sunrise and place the picture or candle in the center. (If using candle, light it)
  • Focus on what you want. Bluebirds represent happiness, youth, and rebirth. In Native American beliefs, bluebirds warded off winter, were the Sun's children, and spirits in animal form. Invoke the characteristics into your energy.
  • Chant:

"As the sun reveal and the wind doth blow,
May growth be steady and slow,
The warding song reach thy land,
Give me joy to withstand,
Feathers of cool and swift blue,
A heart that's true,
Wake I will to fly,
Wake I may up high,
With the rising sun my wings grow,
Winter chased by my bluebird wings."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Side Effects #3

I just want to say, I have never felt so connected to my wings before. Lately I have been having a say "fluttery" sensation in my heart and from my scapulae. After finally accepting the changes that will happen as well as placing myself in the mindset that I do have wings, I have had an absolute change of mood and I can practically feel wings on my back.

Some of the side effects include toughness in the upper back region, slight spells of dizziness, and chills. These chills are very prominent and strong. They have been increasing all week. I was at first under the impression a spirit had become attached to me, however I don't sense much a presence. Instead the chills seem as though they are trying to jolt out my wings.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Have you ever felt more than just a mermaid or avian human? Do you feel a deep longing for the ocean or a rush for the sky? If so, you may just be a merangel.


Crossbreeds aren't very popular but do exist. Merangels are mysterious, charming, and light-hearted. They can explore the deepest parts of the ocean and also see the world from high above. If you are one of these creatures, you must be a special soul.

Becoming one is as simple as becoming an avian human, which isn't too easy, but it's overall the same concept. Wish, believe, dream, and know.


Though I'm not interested in becoming a merangel, I have dabbled in writing a chant. It would be best for you to choose your own path and create your own magic, however my chant can help give you inspiration for writing a spell.

"Spirits of sky and sea,
Grant me great lung capacity to breathe,
Whether high above or deep below,
Freely my body shall flow,
Fins to swim and wings to soar,
So I may return far from shore,
With sight and heart to see all no matter where I roam,
Thy wings and tail shall make it home.
This is my cry, this is my plea,
In the name of the Goddess and God So may it be!"


Spells for Growing: Peacock Wings

If there is a specific bird you fancy, and you desire to grow wings like theirs, then I will be starting a (hopefully weekly) series of spells and information on that bird and it's wings.

If you have requests, please share. Also, possessing feathers of your chosen bird for the spell is unnecessary, but could strengthen the connection.


(These aren't real peacock wings, however they are gorgeous)

(The below are real)

I don't know about you but I thought their wings would be a bit more decorative :P


  • Begin by drawing or carving a sigil that represents your desire for peacock wings.
  • Next place the candle facing east and light it.
  • Focus on what you want. Peacocks represent nobility, a vibrant energy, and refinement. Keep these characteristics in mind and invoke them into your being.
  • Chant:
"Hera, goddess of marriage,
Wife and sister of the King of Gods, Zeus,
Form me wings into that of your sacred animal the peacock.

Quan Yin (k-wa-n y-in), Goddess and Divine Mother of Buddhism,
Daughter of Buddha,
Grant to me your patience and compassion,
To have on my back, graceful wings of the peacock."

Alternative chant (or can be used following the first chant):

"Peacock of beauty and dharma,
Surround me with thy wings,
I will work with good will,
Thy wings a result of thy karma,
I shall soar with a royal grace,
By the blessings of Argus,
The eyes of the stars watch me,
As thy wings grow at a natural pace.

Peacock wings carry me,
Far and wide,
May the sky comply,
By the power of three (3x)
As I will it,
So shall it be!"


"Evolution has no sense of future; the here and now is the only place where evolution occurs" 
-- John R. Hutchinson (

The above quote was taken from an article about the evolution of flight in birds (which is still a large jumbled puzzle to me). I was drawn to this line because it says straight out that instead of thinking of the future, let everything you want occur here and now. Don't be mistaken, I'm not telling you to become a wild party animal (if you aren't already), or what they say "YOLO"; instead I am simply making it clear that wings are already in your possession and flight is already in your power. This fact must be constantly pounded into your mind and life if you are to be absolutely successful in your endeavors.

I have always considered Kelly Clarkson's "Breakaway" to be my wing growth song. It's emotional, free-flowing, and it just starts that spark in my heart which tells me "I can". Whether it's wings or finding your place in life, it's a phenomenal song.

Make a wish. To have your wings. Getting your thoughts and feelings out there (as positively as possible) will bring them soaring back around to you.

Take a chance. Don't allow others to squander your beliefs. It's alright to let others into your beliefs. Don't go around announcing your wings, but be free to let your belief in them show.

Make a change. Show others you are persistent and let them know they should be too. Change your entire outlook and reactions to life to suit a more positive lifestyle.

Then once ready, spread your wings and learn how to fly.

Friday, January 9, 2015

"The Secret"

I've never been one for self-help books but my mother was gifted by our neighbor an audio book of "The Secret". After listening to a few chapters in the car with my mother, I find it to really review and add on to my knowledge of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is fairly simple; when thinking, or acting negatively, you attract negative energy, but when you think, or act positively, of course you attract positive energy. So apply the same concept with your wing growth. You must believe you already have wings, say it constantly to yourself and have faith that when you need them, they will come through. Don't be discouraged by no instant results, although you already have wings it will still take time for your body to realize this.

I think it's a great book to remind those who are already aware of the discussed topics. But it is also wonderful to teach those who are in the dark. I recommend it and rate it 12 out of 10 pigeons.

Side Effects #2

I can feel a spiritual and physical strength in my upper back area. Sometimes I'll even receive a light sensation in my body along with a tingly chill down my spine.