Thursday, November 16, 2017

Please Help to Improve Connectivity Within the Avian Shifters Community

Hullo, lovelies! I have been a smidge busy with studies, and some personal sheet. However, I have made a goal to try and post at least once a month, even if it's just shit-posting. I feel it to be rather depressing when a content creator of any form just kinda vanishes. Our only interactions are done through the internet; it's difficult to imagine what the person is up to. I just find it comforting to see even the slightest bit of activity every once in awhile. Therefore, I will attempt to apply that desire to myself.

On a similar note, I've been somewhat saddened to find a lack of active avian shifters on any social media platform. Granted, it's not an endeavor one necessarily announces to the world. Yet, I feel there should be more groups of like-minded people. I've been drifting around the mer-shifters community, and it dumbfounds me that there exists such a large, inter-connected community of them. Especially compared to the dying community of avian shifters.

Despite the dead ends I've stumbled across, I'm pleased to say that I have uncovered a fairly active blog on avian shifting on Tumblr: wings-united
I have my own Tumblr avian shifting blog too, but it's just storage for posts to help with wing growth. If you're interested, you can hit it up xP: set-my-wings-free

I wish all us avian shifters would stay in closer contact. I attempted to find some group chats on kik specifically for avian shifters. However, the two I did manage to find were ded. I currently belong to an all shifters group, which was originally a mer-shifters group. I am the only avian shifter there. So, I decided to create my own group chat, just in case someone stumbled across it perchance. 

Anyhow, if you're interested in checking out either of the mentioned kik groups, they are as follow:

All Shifters: #mermaidshifters
Avian Shifters: #avianhumans

Aight, so I shall attempt to make my next post an informative one of the topic of avian shifting.

Thank you for reading!
Fly on, lovelies ~

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Contacting Me

AHHHH It's late into 2017 and I finally returned T^T I'm so sorry it took so long. Gods, I've been falling wayyyy behind on this blog, and my quotev ;-; So much has been going on that I've just not gotten around to checking this blog and my email.

On the topic of my email; I received an email from someone trying to reach out for advice back in March. But I didn't even check my email until today. I attempted to reply, but apparently the person's email no longer existed. Please forgive me whoever you were.

Now I will make myself even more available to those who need advice, help, support, etc. On the contact page, you will find I added my kik. If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, don't think that you only need to contact me about growing wings. I'm fairly well-versed in the magical arts and I can try my best to help you with any physical shifting or magical related issue. Even if you just need someone to talk to (unrelated to magic or the paranormal), I will be there for you ^^

Now in regards to "any physical shifting", there is a lot I have learned about A LOT more than just growing wings. I will touch on this in a future post.

Take care and never give up on your dreams ~

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Awakening Goddesses / Side Effects #9

Recently I have discovered a marvelous spiritual coach. She goes by the name of Syma and her website is Flourishing Goddess. She is very kind and open to all those ready to awaken the divine flame within us all. I absolutely recommend joining her virtual temple. My chakras have never felt so balanced ^·^

On the subject of my wings, there isn't much to report. My scapulae are even more sore and the astral presence has grown even more profound. They are growing at a terribly slow rate; I'm in no rush though. It may be a lifetime endeavour I anticipate.

Monday, March 7, 2016

**IMPORTANT**: Energy Upgrading DNA



Greetings all, I'm very excited about the news I have heard. If you recall my post on "Sensing an Energy Shift", I mentioned that my feelings of something stronger changing around us seemed to be targeted towards the Earth; therefore I assumed it must be caused by the thinning of the veil.
However, I was wrong in my theory. I have been sensing an energy shift, but it wasn't necessarily towards the Earth, instead it was meant for us, those who are awakening.

This energy has been sent by the universe, or the source of all energy (whatever you please to label it as). We are being given energy to upgrade our DNA. This energy can improve our psychic abilities and maybe even aid in the growth of our wings.

This energy can be accessed through 'awakening' and matching your frequency to this energy. I adjusted my frequency the previous evening and envisioned this energy entering my body and glowing brighter. Afterwards both scapulae and my lumbar vertebra were sore; I also noticed that my awareness was peeked.

This energy will be available only until 2017, so take advantage now.

Find out more in this video (you can also do your own research of course, there're lots of good resources):

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Can You See Her Too?

**This is not my own experience, but instead an experience of the mum of my friend.**

My mother works as a nurse and she alternates between day and night shift. This happened during her day shift. It's nothing particularly scary, just creepy.

My mom was giving a patient with terminal cancer an IV transfusion. As she was doing this, the patient was staring intently out of the window nearby that looked down on the empty parking lot with a concerned expression. 

Mom noticed this and asked: "Is something wrong?"

Without taking her eyes away she said: "Can you see her too? The lady looking up here?"

Mom tells me that she was about to pass away soon and must have seen a spirit because of her nearness to the otherside. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Sensing an Energy Shift

안녕하세요! 카즈 입니다! Hello and welcome to another post! Throughout my childhood all the way up to my present, I've always felt a sensation of something about to greatly change. Recently I've been sensing this feeling more and it seems to be resonating with the Earth. This means that I must not be the only one noticing this shift.

I'm not a very strong nor skillful psychic, therefore I lack some big chunks of information regarding this feeling. But my best theory would be that what I'm sensing is the thinning of the veil. Many people will agree that the veil is gradually lifting, and with such a phenomena, it would make sense that people will become aware of this.

This shifting of energy isn't anything terribly special though. Our realm, planet, and universe is constantly changing. Change is nothing to be worried about, tis merely the way of life.

~~ "Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. 
Don't resist them - that only creates sorrow. 
Let reality be reality.
 Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like."
~ Lao Tzu

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Incarnated Fae Being

For years I've dealt with wanting to be something more than just a human. I continually resisted my human existence until nearly a few months ago. Since then I have accepted who I am and in fact I am proud to be human. Then come a day or so ago I learn that I'm not human. Yes, physically I am human, however, I find that every website and quiz I refer to (I even got 100% match on a Doreen Virtue quiz) tells me I am the incarnation of a Fae being.

To be quite frank, I never gave much care as to whether or not I was Fae in all my (several) years. But this sudden urge to know came to mind as casually as a passing breeze. I'm not necessarily happy about the revelation; do take note that I had just recently become proud and excited about being a human, but the thought of also being Fae worried me. It goes to show that I really am oblivious to my past.

So what does this mean exactly? In reality, nothing really. Aside from popular belief, being Fae does not mean one has some special mission apart from others, this doesn't mean that person is superior. This knowledge though can help me discover who I am and how to go about my own personal journey. So far I know that I desire to protect the Earth (has been my mission in life since I could form sentences), improve my magick abilities, and find the answers to various questions pertaining to life, the universe, etc.

Nothing much has changed except I have discovered another aspect of myself I must learn to love and appreciate. 

If you are also a Fae being, your spirit may already possess wings, allowing the process of growing them easier.

Image result for faerie