Thursday, November 16, 2017

Please Help to Improve Connectivity Within the Avian Shifters Community

Hullo, lovelies! I have been a smidge busy with studies, and some personal sheet. However, I have made a goal to try and post at least once a month, even if it's just shit-posting. I feel it to be rather depressing when a content creator of any form just kinda vanishes. Our only interactions are done through the internet; it's difficult to imagine what the person is up to. I just find it comforting to see even the slightest bit of activity every once in awhile. Therefore, I will attempt to apply that desire to myself.

On a similar note, I've been somewhat saddened to find a lack of active avian shifters on any social media platform. Granted, it's not an endeavor one necessarily announces to the world. Yet, I feel there should be more groups of like-minded people. I've been drifting around the mer-shifters community, and it dumbfounds me that there exists such a large, inter-connected community of them. Especially compared to the dying community of avian shifters.

Despite the dead ends I've stumbled across, I'm pleased to say that I have uncovered a fairly active blog on avian shifting on Tumblr: wings-united
I have my own Tumblr avian shifting blog too, but it's just storage for posts to help with wing growth. If you're interested, you can hit it up xP: set-my-wings-free

I wish all us avian shifters would stay in closer contact. I attempted to find some group chats on kik specifically for avian shifters. However, the two I did manage to find were ded. I currently belong to an all shifters group, which was originally a mer-shifters group. I am the only avian shifter there. So, I decided to create my own group chat, just in case someone stumbled across it perchance. 

Anyhow, if you're interested in checking out either of the mentioned kik groups, they are as follow:

All Shifters: #mermaidshifters
Avian Shifters: #avianhumans

Aight, so I shall attempt to make my next post an informative one of the topic of avian shifting.

Thank you for reading!
Fly on, lovelies ~

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