Saturday, January 10, 2015

Spells for Growing: Peacock Wings

If there is a specific bird you fancy, and you desire to grow wings like theirs, then I will be starting a (hopefully weekly) series of spells and information on that bird and it's wings.

If you have requests, please share. Also, possessing feathers of your chosen bird for the spell is unnecessary, but could strengthen the connection.


(These aren't real peacock wings, however they are gorgeous)

(The below are real)

I don't know about you but I thought their wings would be a bit more decorative :P


  • Begin by drawing or carving a sigil that represents your desire for peacock wings.
  • Next place the candle facing east and light it.
  • Focus on what you want. Peacocks represent nobility, a vibrant energy, and refinement. Keep these characteristics in mind and invoke them into your being.
  • Chant:
"Hera, goddess of marriage,
Wife and sister of the King of Gods, Zeus,
Form me wings into that of your sacred animal the peacock.

Quan Yin (k-wa-n y-in), Goddess and Divine Mother of Buddhism,
Daughter of Buddha,
Grant to me your patience and compassion,
To have on my back, graceful wings of the peacock."

Alternative chant (or can be used following the first chant):

"Peacock of beauty and dharma,
Surround me with thy wings,
I will work with good will,
Thy wings a result of thy karma,
I shall soar with a royal grace,
By the blessings of Argus,
The eyes of the stars watch me,
As thy wings grow at a natural pace.

Peacock wings carry me,
Far and wide,
May the sky comply,
By the power of three (3x)
As I will it,
So shall it be!"

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