Sunday, December 20, 2015

Manifesting Your Desires Through Music

Music is all around us, it is present in our everyday lives. Different rhythms and melodies evoke different feelings of joy, melancholy, rebellion, inspiration, etc. One can even experience a physical reaction to music (not just dancing). If you experience a strong connection to a certain song, this just may help you to bring forth your greatest dreams and wishes.


When lost and confused, turn to a song which opens your mind and soul to your desire. Whatever allows you to feel a strong tingling sensation over your scapulae and spine, that song is an ally in your quest.

What You Can Do

When you've found the song(s), be it lyrical and/or instrumental, listen to it:

  • While walking/sitting/lying in nature
  • While standing/sitting/lying in a dark room (learn to embrace the darkness)
  • While simply relaxing
Whatever method you choose, be sure to visualize yourself with wings and awaken your every sense to this visualization, Feel the wind ruffling your feathers, take note of the extra weight (not much) on your back, also, trying to practice controlling the wings. Flap your wings, feel them scoop up the air beneath them, the tips of the primary feathers slicing the air.

Personal Song List

Just for the hey of it, here's a list of my own personal songs which help me to manifest my wings:

What are your manifesting song choices? Share them in the comments.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Developing Kinetic Abilities Could Help to Grow Wings

The dictionary definition of 'kinetic' is, "pertaining to movement, kinesis". The definition of 'kinesis' is, "motion of objects. Therefore, kinetic abilities are obviously abilities to cause motion. You may already be familiar with some (if not all) kinetic abilities; this includes more popular abilities such as: telekinesis, pyrokinesis, and hydrokinesis. What all these powers have in common is that they all involve moving matter with mental power (or spiritual, depending on how you perceive it). But, could practicing and allowing the progression of these powers within yourself actually aid in wing growth?

Developing kinetic abilities requires: dedication, focus, practice, and patience. By spending each day practicing on a Psi Wheel, and each night listening to Binaural Beats specifically for telekinesis as you fall asleep, you can grow these powers.
By harnessing and controlling these abilities, you are expanding your mind and allowing yourself to accomplish anything. Also, think about it, if you had the power to move matter with any form of physical contact, wouldn't you be more likely to believe that you could grow wings and fly?

There exists a lesser known ability: Biokinesis. Though this power may not actually involve moving matter, it consists of certain transitions of the body, and still remains a "kinetic" power.
Biokinesis means to change or control bodily functions of oneself and even create features for one's body by  (for example: wings).
To work this power properly, it is best for you to be able to perform telekinesis and have control over your energy. This can be a dangerous ability, because you can damage your DNA. A method you can use to develop wings through biokinesis is to stand in front of a mirror every morning and envision having wings behind you. Imagine what they can do, how they feel. Envision yourself opening your eyes to see yourself with wings.

From what we have gathered, developing a kinetic ability is a great way to lead to the growth of wings. The process to progress these powers is simple, but the effort will be tiring, but worth it.

For Further Research:

Different Types of Kinesis

ELEMENTAL KINESIS The Different Types of Kinesis

Pineal Gland Activation: Telekinesis Meditation Technique (binaural beats)

Telekinesis for Beginners - Learn How to do Telekinesis (Psychokinesis)

Blog Title Change

If you're a past reader of this blog and you've checked out the blog's title at the top of this page, you'll notice it has changed. It is now "The Aeromaiden's Journal", rather than "Avian Journal".
I have changed this with the intent to give a more well-known name to winged people rather than angels (which aren't truly winged people, but divine messengers).

'Aero-' tends to refer to air or aviation. I chose to call this "The Aeromaiden's Journal" because I am a female, a maiden. However, for an undetermined gender, neuter, aeroly (plural: aerolies) is appropriate. Aerower is used for winged males ('wer' being old English for 'man').

So, what do you believe winged people should be called? Should we be aerolies? Maybe something different? I feel confident about the term "aeroly" but please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Final Word

I have returned! I have also brought with me new information.

So, I would like to impart new magick casting knowledge I have gained.

~ The Art of Spell Crafting

**This article is not going to be anything too lengthy, I am simply sharing key points and what has worked for me. But if you wish to further your studies in magick I recommend checking out these two books:
The Witch's Bag of Tricks: Personalize Your Magick and Kickstart Your Craft by. Melanie Marquis
Spellcaster: Seven Ways to Effective Magick by. Anna Franklin, Poppy Palin, Elen Hawke, Martin Duffy, Martin White and, Morgana SidheRaven

  • Spells, A Definition
By the mere request of something is to cast a spell. A spell is to use one's energy to propel their wishes out to the universe. Rituals and chants are used to increase the energy.

  • Spell-casting
Utilizing symbols, places, or times which have special meaning to you boasts the power. Although one should understand the meaning of certain symbols, time, or phases of the moon, you should also follow your gut as to what you are most comfortable with. This gives the spell a more personal signature. 

Imagine life as a dream; change what you want at your will.

  • Hindrances
What are you trying to accomplish? Question yourself and your motives, and meditate upon these. What are you afraid of? What about your desire seems impossible and what will prevent this from happening? Mull these questions over, find answers, and let go. 

Do not cling onto the negative figure out what will work for you, and let your dreams run wild. In order for a successful spell, you must have hope, and release doubts.

Hang onto your dreams will not make them come true. Cast the spell, say the prayer, then move on. Find something to do that will take your mind off of what you asked for until it comes true. In doing this, you allow your request to make it's way to the universe.

  • Additional Tips
Tween times (dawn, dusk, midnight, solstices, equinox), holidays, and significant celestial events, are great times for spell casting.

Ask for aid from various creatures and deities (know who they are and that they have good intentions).

Realize where this energy is coming from. How will you receive what you desire? Be sure that none are being harmed in the process.

What place or element do you have a strong connection with? Use it whatever it may be. 

Take your time. Don't rush.

So now my fellow feathery ones, it is with a heavy heart that I must bid you adieu. 

I had created this blog in hopes of connecting with like-minded ones as myself and helping them in their journey. I have hopefully succeeded in helping others out and I'll still be there for any of you, feel free to contact any one of my listed contacts whenever you need. But now I must be on my way to bluer skies. I have found my own wings and they shall spread when the time is fit, I have made peace with this.

This perchance may not be the end of this blog. I'll probably return one day, with extraordinary tellings to share.

Good luck to you all, a new journey with new beginnings awaits you. May we someday meet in the open skies, among the ever fleeting clouds.

안녕히계세요, さよなら、Goodbye...


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Real Wishes & Another Spell

Real Wishes is a website I cannot necessarily vouch for. I have failed twice trying to make a wish because I was very young and impatient so I didn't go through the entire process (xD). But I do have faith in the website and I plan on using it to strengthen my wish for wings.

The website: Real Wishes


I found another spell as I was browsing the internet. It's short, sweet, & to the point:

How to Grow Wings in 2 - 4 Days

What Spell REALLY Works?

All over the internet and sometimes directly asked to me is the big question:

What spell REALLY works?

During their endeavors, people begin to feel hopeless and desire something that possesses it's own power capable of granting the wish of the spell caster. I understand the struggle to maintain one's own power and control. But what most people don't understand is that spells have no power. Yes, when created properly they contain an energy & provide guidelines for proper use of energy. However, it is you that decides what happens, you are the one with all the power necessary. Spells are just guidelines & bases, not the source of power.

In order to be successful, remember these two laws:

  • Mind over matter
  • Belief
I cannot stress how IMPORTANT those two laws are. You must always, always, always keep an open mind and believe that good can/will happen.

STOP depending on spells. Trust & believe in yourself, you are the source of strong power.

Monday, March 2, 2015

1,000 Cranes

The crane is a beloved symbol of peace and harmony in Eastern belief. According to legend, if one is to fold 1,000 cranes before the end of a year, their wish will be granted.

I think most readers of this blog can understand what I'm getting at. I don't believe that your wish for wings will come so easily though. Unless of course your intentions are pure and noble. Why do you want wings? Can it be considered a moral reason? What are your intentions after gaining wings? If you can ensure that your purpose is with purity and for the good of not only yourself, but others, I'm sure the Gods would be willing to grant the wish.

Here is a link to an instructional video on folding paper cranes: How to Make a Paper Crane - Origami

Side Effects #4

These side effects all seem the same, but the sensation of my wings appear so real. I can practically feel the wings weighing down. Chills come much more frequently, my upper back muscles are tougher, and there is a lightness in my body as though the wind can sweep me up into the sky. I have come to accept that I am already an avian human. Once one makes the attempt to change, they have already changed. Don't be mistaken, I haven't physically flown yet, and I don't expect it to happen soon. However, in the coming years, my work and dedication will surely pay off. I hope others will join me ^^

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Freeing the Spirit

Our shared goal for wings is a very attainable one. This can be gained through the oneness between body and soul. There is a beautiful science in which the physical being can become what the spiritual one is if connected.

*Before bringing your soul and body together, it is best to clean your spiritual body and form it to what you wish.*

This takes time and dedication. Be willing to go through the enlightening process and don't drop it once starting. To be successful you must pursue.

Begin with this guide from Healing Art Forms:

easy meditation

Once you are satisfied with your meditation routine, you can pursue higher powers within yourself. Try a hand in astral projection & traveling around in this realm or another. It is best to prepare your physical & spiritual self before this by meditating and opening your chakras. After opening your chakras, surround yourself in a protective white aura. Be sure to attract only good energies to yourself, this is done through putting yourself into a positive state of mind. Remember, you attract what you give out.

It is best to do all this when you have no physical obligations and you can feel free. Early morning (2 - 3) is ideal and suits me well. However, it is up to how you personally feel. Also seek out a place that appears spiritual strong to do your meditation. 'Tween locations are best, places where two merge (doorways, land and water meeting, sky and mountain meeting, etc.).

Free your spirit, and if not already, give it wings.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Real Faeries: Bird People

Real Faeries is a phenomenal blog with tremendous amounts of knowledge on the Fae, all given to two sisters by an elven man known as Mr. E.

There was a blog post back in 2014 describing Mr. E's encounter with "Bird People". As explained, these are bird-like Fae. They aren't necessarily avian humans, however their existence allows us to imagine the possibilities. It is described that they appear almost human but more so bird. Therefore, why can't there be humans also the same?

Spell Dump

I have quite a bit of spells I constructed from years of spell crafting & avian human study. As a request I will be dumping all these spells on this post. Keep in mind, these are spells I created, therefore they may not have a similar effect on you. Take my spells as a base and simply change it to your befitting.

I. God Sponsor

This is a ritual to indirectly grow wings. I call this God Sponsor because you are calling upon a God or spiritual being of your choice to aid you in your wing growth. There isn't a limited number of entities you can have sponsor you, but you shouldn't take on more than you can give attention to. I took on three; one is the Goddess Inari, another is a winged sky spirit, and the third is actually a youkai, a kitsune servant of Inari.


To begin is simple enough. Form a friendly relationship with your chosen God/spirit. This can be done by:

     - Talking as though you are speaking to them
     - Set up an altar or an image dedicated to them
     - Have a mental or physical image of what they look like (just make one up if you can't find any)
     - While meditating, visualize yourself visiting them at their home
     - Give offerings

Continue doing these things. Be sure to make it habitual because this entity is now your friend and companion throughout your journey. However, if you wish to relieve your chosen God/spirit from the sponsor position, follow the instructions below:

Perform the ritual on a day and during a time that relates to the God/spirit.

1. Cast a circle
2. Sit or lay inside the circle and close your eyes.
3. Meditate upon yourself visiting the home of this God/spirit.
4. Meet with them and explain to them the circumstances.
5.Wait for the particular feeling that lets you know they understand.
6. Come out of meditation and end the ritual.

Over time you will gradually feel their power on you weakening.

WARNING: This ritual can be dangerous due to the summoning of a being and opening a portal to yourself. Take caution, keep amulets close by and maintain a clean, happy aura. Make sure you understand what you are trying to summon and don't show fear.

II. New Moon Wing Blessing

Obviously this spell is to be done during a new moon, and a tween time, specifically midnight. A windy or slightly breezy night is ideal, being that it'll be easier to contact the wind spirits.

Stand tall, stretching your arms towards the sky. Allow the energy of the night to surround you and flow through you. Feel it working it's way to your shoulder blades where your wings will sprout forth.

Imagine growing pains in your back, feel the itching of new bones and poking feathers, embrace the change. Say out loud with emotion:

"I dedicate my body and soul to the sky,
Spirits of the air,
Let me flutter and soar up high,
Growing forth from my back, two large feather covered wings,
Sturdy to keep me steady, large to give me height, and flexible to stay hidden when I close my back,
With a giant leap, I will fly."

III. 13

In numerology, 12 represents wholeness, to be complete. 13 represents change, moving forward from 12. You at this point as a human represent 12; now use your power to advance to 13 and slowly you will emerge to 14 which represents freedom and independence.


~ White or blue candle
~ Small square piece of paper
~ Writing utensil
~ Fire resistant bowl or fire pit
~ A feather (Color does not matter. Do not pluck from bird)


1. Carve or draw the number '13' onto the candle. While doing so, imagine what you desire. Being that you probably want wings, imagine yourself with wings and the feeling of flight.
2. Write the number '12' on the piece of paper. While doing so, envision the part of you that you are leaving behind, changing, and what part of your life you are leaving behind, changing.
3. Light the candle, keeping in mind what you want
4. Be near the prepared fire resistant bowl or fire pit
5. Fold the feather inside the '12' paper
6. Ignite the paper with the feather
7. Make sure it is burning well and toss it into the bowl or pit
8. As it burns imagine the flames are eating your old self and the smoke is energy to create your new self as an avian human

IV. Dreams of Wings

Using a black marker, write out three times on a small, square piece of paper "I will grow wings".

Afterwards you are to keep it under your pillow and before going to sleep, repeat the written three times. Then kiss it and replace it back under the pillow. You will continue this for seven days, which then you will burn it and keep the ashes in a pouch which you can carry around.

Note that it isn't necessary to keep the pouch with you 24/7, but you must make contact with it at least once everyday until your wings grow.

V. Altar Stone

This is a simple charm, used if you have an altar you use for magic.

Collect a large, smooth stone from a body of water. Using oil pastels or paint and draw/paint a sigil to represent your wish for wings. Add your energy to it and place it on your altar where the energy shall manifest and your wish shall develop and grow with your powers.

VI. Learning Flight from a Bird

What better source to learn about wing growth and flight than from a bird? There is much knowledge they possess just waiting for a human to hear.

Firstly of course, locate a bird. Simple enough but can you make them stay? It would be easier if you have a pet bird. If not, no problem. Find a bird and be able to get close to it, say maybe at most a few feet away. Open your mind and try connect your thoughts to the bird's. Imagine a tube running from your head to the bird's, sending your thoughts and desires through it. Speak the following to the bird:

"Bird perched high,
Ruler of the sky,
Judge my worthiness,
Impart your wisdom upon me,
Teach my wings to grow,
Guide my body to soar,
Help me see the world from above,
Bird in my sight,
A companion I ask you to be,
A companion for flight."

VII. Mirror My Wings

At sunrise, stand in front of a body mirror. Make sure the sunlight is pouring into the room and washing over the mirror. Calm your thoughts, and feel the serenity of the sunlight. Don't think hard, instead let your thoughts flow, envisioning your wings growing gradually and finally bursting from your back. Feel the sensation.

VIII. Flight Mantra

Lifting lightly from the ground I soar,
Wings of feathers lasting forevermore,
Unto my back they grow,
From the power, the strength I sow,
Spreading with grace and kicking off towards the sky,
My wings will spread and I will fly, I will fly, I will fly.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Wish Tip

A quick tip for improving the power in your wish spells:

Burn whiskers. Ordinarily cat whiskers are used, but any animal's should suffice. I know it's unnecessary to add but I must make it clear that one should not tear off/cut the animal's whiskers, nor burn the whiskers while still attached.

Researching & Spell

I'll admit it, of course I Google "growing wings", "becoming an angel", and "avian human". I absorb every shred of information I can find. It's quite difficult to find anything legitimate and almost hopeless. The internet isn't an exact representation of life, the universe, or life, therefore it can be known that there is so much more out there, much more than we'll ever know. Researching the internet is no help, although it can possibly lead to a new discovery by developing a base.

Overall there exists no page (as far as I know) which can give the answers, or the details we need. Search we may, it's in vain. From reincarnation and natural intuition, we all possess the knowledge. Easier said than done however, we just know, our beliefs, our stories, legends, are all guides and our ultimate knowledge.

But through pointless researching I found another spell!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Happy Imbolc!

The Sun has been reborn, giving reassurance of spring's coming. Just as the Sun has been reborn, allow yourself to be reborn as an avian human. Today's focus is on new growth.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Energy Renewal

If you often cast spells or perform rituals for different goals, do you ever feel a loss of the sensation of your wings' energy? I know I do. I'm not the best multitask-er, and at my level of magickal strength multitasking energy is surely a challenge.

I try to simply focus all my spiritual energy on my wings' growth; however, it is selfish of me to not send good energy to an ill loved one, or a loved one taking a major test. There are also the situations where I could use a spell to help myself.

Although I haven't found any solutions, I have found ways to cope and quickly replenish energy. This constant cycle may put a stunt on wing growth though. I'm not sure, more research and experimenting should help.

~ Tips:

  • Before performing a spell, take an object and place your energy and desire for wings into it. While doing the spell, have the object attached to you. I tend to use a flower or ivy crown I made before-hand, or a flower. I fill them with the energy and make it so that they energy is sent back to me slowly as the plant withers in my hair (or pocket)

  • Return to nature. After experiencing a drainage of energy, no matter how insignificant, go outside. Dance in the rain, watch the clouds, lie down among trees as wind buffets them, walk in the sunlight. Let nature replenish what you have lost. Personally I find windy days and lighting storms to be quite energizing for me.

  • Practice using your energy on two things at once.

  • Keep trying! Continue to cast spells for your wings, send energy to them, and never give up no matter how hopeless circumstances make you think.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Spells for Growing: Bluebird Wings

So much for weekly, *sigh*, it's a process. Anyhow, here is another bird:

If you have requests, please share. Also, possessing feathers of your chosen bird for the spell is unnecessary, but could strengthen the connection.


(Beatrice from "Over the Garden Wall". She was turned into a bluebird and this is a depiction of her as an avian human with bluebird wings. "Over the Garden Wall" was a beautiful and tragic miniseries which I must admit I fell in love with, and I don't often watch Cartoon Network shows. It heightened my faith in the unknown.)


Of youth and the naive,
Soaring through meadows with few trees,
Happiness be thine,
Bluebird wings of mine.


  • In the center of a drawing of the sun or on a candle, draw or carve a sigil that represents your desire for bluebird wings.
  • Cast a circle at sunrise and place the picture or candle in the center. (If using candle, light it)
  • Focus on what you want. Bluebirds represent happiness, youth, and rebirth. In Native American beliefs, bluebirds warded off winter, were the Sun's children, and spirits in animal form. Invoke the characteristics into your energy.
  • Chant:

"As the sun reveal and the wind doth blow,
May growth be steady and slow,
The warding song reach thy land,
Give me joy to withstand,
Feathers of cool and swift blue,
A heart that's true,
Wake I will to fly,
Wake I may up high,
With the rising sun my wings grow,
Winter chased by my bluebird wings."

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Side Effects #3

I just want to say, I have never felt so connected to my wings before. Lately I have been having a say "fluttery" sensation in my heart and from my scapulae. After finally accepting the changes that will happen as well as placing myself in the mindset that I do have wings, I have had an absolute change of mood and I can practically feel wings on my back.

Some of the side effects include toughness in the upper back region, slight spells of dizziness, and chills. These chills are very prominent and strong. They have been increasing all week. I was at first under the impression a spirit had become attached to me, however I don't sense much a presence. Instead the chills seem as though they are trying to jolt out my wings.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Have you ever felt more than just a mermaid or avian human? Do you feel a deep longing for the ocean or a rush for the sky? If so, you may just be a merangel.


Crossbreeds aren't very popular but do exist. Merangels are mysterious, charming, and light-hearted. They can explore the deepest parts of the ocean and also see the world from high above. If you are one of these creatures, you must be a special soul.

Becoming one is as simple as becoming an avian human, which isn't too easy, but it's overall the same concept. Wish, believe, dream, and know.


Though I'm not interested in becoming a merangel, I have dabbled in writing a chant. It would be best for you to choose your own path and create your own magic, however my chant can help give you inspiration for writing a spell.

"Spirits of sky and sea,
Grant me great lung capacity to breathe,
Whether high above or deep below,
Freely my body shall flow,
Fins to swim and wings to soar,
So I may return far from shore,
With sight and heart to see all no matter where I roam,
Thy wings and tail shall make it home.
This is my cry, this is my plea,
In the name of the Goddess and God So may it be!"


Spells for Growing: Peacock Wings

If there is a specific bird you fancy, and you desire to grow wings like theirs, then I will be starting a (hopefully weekly) series of spells and information on that bird and it's wings.

If you have requests, please share. Also, possessing feathers of your chosen bird for the spell is unnecessary, but could strengthen the connection.


(These aren't real peacock wings, however they are gorgeous)

(The below are real)

I don't know about you but I thought their wings would be a bit more decorative :P


  • Begin by drawing or carving a sigil that represents your desire for peacock wings.
  • Next place the candle facing east and light it.
  • Focus on what you want. Peacocks represent nobility, a vibrant energy, and refinement. Keep these characteristics in mind and invoke them into your being.
  • Chant:
"Hera, goddess of marriage,
Wife and sister of the King of Gods, Zeus,
Form me wings into that of your sacred animal the peacock.

Quan Yin (k-wa-n y-in), Goddess and Divine Mother of Buddhism,
Daughter of Buddha,
Grant to me your patience and compassion,
To have on my back, graceful wings of the peacock."

Alternative chant (or can be used following the first chant):

"Peacock of beauty and dharma,
Surround me with thy wings,
I will work with good will,
Thy wings a result of thy karma,
I shall soar with a royal grace,
By the blessings of Argus,
The eyes of the stars watch me,
As thy wings grow at a natural pace.

Peacock wings carry me,
Far and wide,
May the sky comply,
By the power of three (3x)
As I will it,
So shall it be!"


"Evolution has no sense of future; the here and now is the only place where evolution occurs" 
-- John R. Hutchinson (

The above quote was taken from an article about the evolution of flight in birds (which is still a large jumbled puzzle to me). I was drawn to this line because it says straight out that instead of thinking of the future, let everything you want occur here and now. Don't be mistaken, I'm not telling you to become a wild party animal (if you aren't already), or what they say "YOLO"; instead I am simply making it clear that wings are already in your possession and flight is already in your power. This fact must be constantly pounded into your mind and life if you are to be absolutely successful in your endeavors.

I have always considered Kelly Clarkson's "Breakaway" to be my wing growth song. It's emotional, free-flowing, and it just starts that spark in my heart which tells me "I can". Whether it's wings or finding your place in life, it's a phenomenal song.

Make a wish. To have your wings. Getting your thoughts and feelings out there (as positively as possible) will bring them soaring back around to you.

Take a chance. Don't allow others to squander your beliefs. It's alright to let others into your beliefs. Don't go around announcing your wings, but be free to let your belief in them show.

Make a change. Show others you are persistent and let them know they should be too. Change your entire outlook and reactions to life to suit a more positive lifestyle.

Then once ready, spread your wings and learn how to fly.

Friday, January 9, 2015

"The Secret"

I've never been one for self-help books but my mother was gifted by our neighbor an audio book of "The Secret". After listening to a few chapters in the car with my mother, I find it to really review and add on to my knowledge of the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is fairly simple; when thinking, or acting negatively, you attract negative energy, but when you think, or act positively, of course you attract positive energy. So apply the same concept with your wing growth. You must believe you already have wings, say it constantly to yourself and have faith that when you need them, they will come through. Don't be discouraged by no instant results, although you already have wings it will still take time for your body to realize this.

I think it's a great book to remind those who are already aware of the discussed topics. But it is also wonderful to teach those who are in the dark. I recommend it and rate it 12 out of 10 pigeons.

Side Effects #2

I can feel a spiritual and physical strength in my upper back area. Sometimes I'll even receive a light sensation in my body along with a tingly chill down my spine.