So, I would like to impart new magick casting knowledge I have gained.
~ The Art of Spell Crafting
**This article is not going to be anything too lengthy, I am simply sharing key points and what has worked for me. But if you wish to further your studies in magick I recommend checking out these two books:
The Witch's Bag of Tricks: Personalize Your Magick and Kickstart Your Craft by. Melanie Marquis
Spellcaster: Seven Ways to Effective Magick by. Anna Franklin, Poppy Palin, Elen Hawke, Martin Duffy, Martin White and, Morgana SidheRaven
- Spells, A Definition
By the mere request of something is to cast a spell. A spell is to use one's energy to propel their wishes out to the universe. Rituals and chants are used to increase the energy.
- Spell-casting
Utilizing symbols, places, or times which have special meaning to you boasts the power. Although one should understand the meaning of certain symbols, time, or phases of the moon, you should also follow your gut as to what you are most comfortable with. This gives the spell a more personal signature.
Imagine life as a dream; change what you want at your will.
- Hindrances
What are you trying to accomplish? Question yourself and your motives, and meditate upon these. What are you afraid of? What about your desire seems impossible and what will prevent this from happening? Mull these questions over, find answers, and let go.
Do not cling onto the negative figure out what will work for you, and let your dreams run wild. In order for a successful spell, you must have hope, and release doubts.
Hang onto your dreams will not make them come true. Cast the spell, say the prayer, then move on. Find something to do that will take your mind off of what you asked for until it comes true. In doing this, you allow your request to make it's way to the universe.
- Additional Tips
Tween times (dawn, dusk, midnight, solstices, equinox), holidays, and significant celestial events, are great times for spell casting.
Ask for aid from various creatures and deities (know who they are and that they have good intentions).
Realize where this energy is coming from. How will you receive what you desire? Be sure that none are being harmed in the process.
What place or element do you have a strong connection with? Use it whatever it may be.
Take your time. Don't rush.
So now my fellow feathery ones, it is with a heavy heart that I must bid you adieu.
I had created this blog in hopes of connecting with like-minded ones as myself and helping them in their journey. I have hopefully succeeded in helping others out and I'll still be there for any of you, feel free to contact any one of my listed contacts whenever you need. But now I must be on my way to bluer skies. I have found my own wings and they shall spread when the time is fit, I have made peace with this.
This perchance may not be the end of this blog. I'll probably return one day, with extraordinary tellings to share.
Good luck to you all, a new journey with new beginnings awaits you. May we someday meet in the open skies, among the ever fleeting clouds.
안녕히계세요, さよなら、Goodbye...